A few weeks ago while most of the staff from GKIC were out of town, we quadrupled the sales to one of our programs?
Despite the fact that no one was making sales calls?creating emails? sales letters? or other sales materials to send out.
And it wasn?t done by selling from the stage either.
It?s not the first time we?ve done this, because as you can imagine, we have to be out of the office quite a bit for our live trainings and believe it or not?
We all like to take a day off once in a while. (Shhh, don?t let Bette T know.)
Memorial Day weekend typically is a big marker for shifting into summer vacation mode?spending more time relaxing and vacationing with friends and family?and doing more of what you enjoy.
That?s not always possible when you have your own business though?
Especially if you are a solo entrepreneur.
Cause, if you stop, the money stops.
But, it doesn?t have to be that way.
In fact, many business owners don?t realize that there is a way to put something in place that doesn?t take any more effort than what they are currently doing, yet sets them up to do LESS in the future.
You may have heard Dan Kennedy refer to me as the ?Queen of Automation,? so today I want to give you a simple system for automating your business, so you can make money WHILE you are on vacation this summer without doing any work while you are gone.
You can do this whether your business is offline, online or a combination.
It doesn?t matter whether you sell services or products or a mixture of both.? ANY business can generate income while on vacation.
Step One: Pick a strong product or service to promote. While you can use this to test products and services, my recommendation is that you pick a product or service which is one of your BEST and BEST-SELLING products or services and promote that. Something that really lines up well with your target audience.
Step Two: Create a free report. Create a free report that relates to the service or product you are selling. For example, let?s say you are a periodontist? who does cosmetic dentistry and treats gum disease.? You might create a report about how gum disease is linked to systemic disease and the warning signs you should look for.
Then create a page on your website where you can drive traffic to download your free report.
Step Three: Create a compelling offer. At the end of the report, you?ll want to make some sort of offer.? There are a couple of ways you can do this: Offer another free source of information such as a webinar or teleseminar.? Or you can go ahead and make a special offer for the product or service that will help them solve the problem you discuss in the free report.
Keep in mind, even the webinar and teleseminar can be pre-recorded so that you don?t have to do it live while on vacation.
With a higher priced product or service, if your product or service is more complicated, or when selling business to business, offering more information will most likely help increase your sales.
For instance, if the goal of the periodontist?s free report mentioned above is to get patients to consider using a new procedure that costs thousands of dollars and helps with gum disease, that is going to be more difficult to sell.
However if the offer is to sell a straight forward item like a better electronic toothbrush that ?will help you cut down on gum disease and eliminates some of the problems discussed in the report, you might just make an offer for the toothbrush immediately at the end of your report.
For the new procedure, offering a webinar that shows a video of the procedure and includes live interviews with actual patients after having the procedure would help lower resistance and make it easier to get prospective patients in for an appointment with you.
Step Four: Create autoresponder emails. Write 3-4 emails that will drive your list to your free report and schedule them to go out automatically, either one a day or 1 or 2 days apart at the most.? Of course, if you prefer, (either instead of or in addition to) you could use snail mail and mail postcards or one page letters with a message driving people to your free report instead
The key to these messages is NOT to sell the product or service you are offering, but to sell your customer on getting your free report and the benefits they?ll derive from reading it.
Step Five: Set up automatic follow-up. After your prospects or customers download their free report and read your offer, you?ll want to have an automatic follow-up set up.? ( I recommend using a system like Infusionsoft to set up your follow-up sequences. )
The first thing to do, whether they take your offer or not, is to thank them for downloading your report and reiterate the benefits they will receive for doing so.
If they did not take you up on your offer, it may be that they didn?t read your report or didn?t make it all the way through it and never saw your offer. ?So make the offer again.
Once they take you up on your offer, make sure you have a way to immediately fulfill your offer or at least give confirmation with specific details about when they will receive their order.
Going back to our example, in this case, let?s say the prospect signs up for the webinar.? You?ll want to confirm their registration for the webinar with an access link to it.? If the webinar is at a later time, which I recommend, it?s a good idea to send reminder emails.
No matter which route you go, consider this second step a way to gather more information about your customer or prospect that you don?t currently have.? Doing so will allow you more ways to market to your prospect.? For instance, if you don?t have their mailing address, you can now send direct mail pieces and vice versa.
Obviously if the product they bought is something physical that has to be shipped to them, you?ll need them to give you their address.
However, if the product is something they download or a service that doesn?t require their address, you should still try to get their address.? You could do this by offering to send them a printed copy of your free report or a DVD or CD of your webinar or seminar.
Step six: Repeat steps 3-5 if you have a two-step offer. In the case where you offer more free information, you?ll want to use the same steps for the second free piece of information to get the best results.
Then sit back and watch orders flow in. And that?s it!
The best part is that once you have this system in place, you can keep re-using it for new groups of prospects as they filter into your list, or you can buy mailing lists and keep reusing your free report and sequence.
You can also tweak it, make your sequence even better and use it as a lead generation piece for your business or with affiliates.
Either way, setting up an automatic system that you don?t have to monitor while you travel or take time off, is a great way to continue making money without have to do a thing.
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